“One admires Moyer's enterprise in playing this music with such security and legerdemain, and making his discovery available to the rest of us.” BOSTON GLOBE “Frederick Moyer, who was friendly with the composer, has done his homework. He carefully delineates Guarnieri’s sensuous counterpoint while respecting the formal demands of its inherent classicism.” AMERICAN RECORD GUIDE “…Moyer is a pianist with quick, strong fingers, and he plays this on-the-edge music with impressive clarity, sorting out its interwoven strands and shifting accents, illuminating the introspective pieces.” THE PATRIOT LEDGER “…Moyer’s performances throughout make a fine advocacy for the work. His virtuosity mirrors the composer’s own in his realization of the eight-againt-three patterns of the right hand against the left hand in the third study (“Appasionato”). The furious minor-ninth dissonances of the ninth ‘Furioso’ are also most effectively articulated. Moyer dances his way through the exciting asymmetrical rhythms of the concluding ‘Saramba’ in fine native style.” 20th CENTURY MUSIC